Phantom Technology Solutions Blog

Phantom Technology Solutions has been serving the Indiana area since 2010, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Too Much Software Can Put Your Business In a Bind

Too Much Software Can Put Your Business In a Bind

There is a lot to say about having the right IT, but at some point, you have to ask if you are receiving diminishing returns on your investments. Implementing too much technology can be a very real problem, especially in terms of the software you choose to implement. Let’s take a look at some of the warning signs and see what you can do about them.

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Can Your Former Employees Be a Threat to Your Business

Can Your Former Employees Be a Threat to Your Business

Employees come and go in the business world, so you should be prepared to handle this turnover when it happens. If your company does not have an adequate response to employee turnover, you could potentially put your business at risk. Here are three ways that you can make sure former employees cause you the least amount of worry, especially in regards to staffing and cybersecurity.

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The Proper Use of Technology Can Be the Key to a Better Business

The Proper Use of Technology Can Be the Key to a Better Business

Modern businesses need to take advantage of every opportunity they can get in today’s crowded marketplace, almost regardless of the industry they work in. One great way to gain an advantage is to put technology in place that can significantly enhance how your business works, inside and out.

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Industry Professionals Report that the Chip Shortage Could Lead to Counterfeits

Industry Professionals Report that the Chip Shortage Could Lead to Counterfeits

The pandemic placed a heavy emphasis on the capabilities for organizations to shift to remote operations, and if you were one of the many companies to seek additional equipment and hardware to make this happen, you might have noticed a lack of product out there. The global chip shortage has made it difficult for companies to procure new equipment, but there is another darker side to this story, particularly in regards to issues in the supply chain.

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Semiconductor Shortage Wreaking Havoc with Supply Chains

Semiconductor Shortage Wreaking Havoc with Supply Chains

Technology supply chains have been world-renowned for being some of the most dynamic and strongest for over a decade. Currently, companies are having problems procuring computers and networking equipment because of a global shortage of computer chips. Let’s take a look at the issue in today’s blog. 

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Mobile malware might not have a lot of attention on it, but it can be a significant problem for organizations that rely on smartphones. This goes double for small businesses that typically don’t have the large teams and big budgets for thei...

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Phantom Technology Solutions
5097 N 600 E
Rolling Prairie, Indiana 46371

FAX: 574-968-1790

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