Cloud computing has allowed businesses to scale unlike any time before, all without breaking the budget. One such cloud provider is Amazon, and its Amazon Web Services platform allows businesses to manage their cloud computing needs. Today, we’re exploring some of the ways that AWS aids businesses with varied cloud computing needs.
Phantom Technology Solutions Blog
Virtualizing your business’ software is pretty much just keeping it in an online environment, as compared to your own network infrastructure. This means that it lives in the cloud, delivered to you through the Internet. This approach has proved fortuitous for a great many businesses, so it only stands to reason that virtualizing hardware is a reasonable next step.
Technology has enabled some of the greatest changes in the business world, so it makes sense that your company should try to implement it as needed. Unfortunately, it can be a bit confusing, especially if you have not thought about it in recent years. Thankfully, there are three pillars that can hold up a digital transformation strategy and enable change for your business.